Holistic and expert midwifery care for every body.

Located in the heart of Los Angeles, our beautiful, comfortable and serene space is the perfect place to welcome your baby under the gentle and skilled care of your Licensed Midwife, Faith Freeman CPM LM, and her team.

Mind Body Birth includes our lovely office space, birthing suites, and a comfortable waiting area. We also have a full kitchen to help prepare food for you during your labor and birth. 

Our exam room offers plenty of lush seating options, a cushioned bed in place of a cold exam table, and no stirrups, ensuring a peaceful and cozy office visit experience. 

Our birth rooms have full size beds, comfortable seating, deep birthing tubs, large showers, birthing stools and yoga balls, hanging rebozos for supported squatting, as well as plenty of space for movement. 

Our waiting area includes large, relaxing couches for family that may be accompanying you to either your visits or for your birth. We also have a full kitchen to store and prepare food for you during your labor and postpartum.

What is Included in our Midwifery Care?   


An Empowering Experience with an involved, skilled Provider who tailors care to your needs, your body, and your preferences, monitoring the health and well-being of you and your baby physically, mentally and emotionally.


Hour-long prenatal visits including counseling, education, client questions, and clinical assessment

Shared decision making + informed consent prioritized at all times

Care individualized to each client's needs + chosen preferences

24-hour on-call urgent + emergency access to midwife via text, call, or after-hours appointments as needed

Detailed client handbook

Nutrition + supplement counseling

Physical health + exercise guidance

All routine lab work provided in-office, including genetic labs

Ultrasound referrals provided

Holistic herbal protocols to support optimal health

Monitoring of client vitals + ensuring low-risk status

Monitoring of fetal heart rate, growth pattern + position

Emotional + mental support

Options, advise, + resources

Childbirth class included

Home visit at about 35 weeks for homebirthing clients

Perineal preparation guidance

Gentle, understanding, confidential care at all times

Labor & Birth

Intermittent fetal monitoring with handheld, waterproof doppler

Regular monitoring of client's vitals with portable, handheld equipment

Utilizing movement + positions for progress + comfort

Promoting eating + hydrating throughout

Hydrotherapy via water birth pool + shower

Birth stool + yoga ball + peanut ball + rebozo available

Emotional + mental support and care

IV fluids + prophylactic antibiotics if needed

Welcoming of doula, family, all desired support people

Skilled handling of birth to prevent tears

Either parent catching baby

Immediate skin to skin + delayed cord clamping

Full golden hour + prioritizing family bonding

Newborn exam, weight + baby med options

Latching and lactation guidance

Quiet and unobtrusive monitoring in the hours immediately following birth

Emergency medical equipment and care present and available if needed including newborn suction, oxygen, resuscitation equipment for client and baby, medications for hemorrhage, and IV fluids


Home visit at 24-48 hours postpartum

3 additional office visits at 1, 3 + 6 wks postpartum

24/7 access + support as needed

Full newborn care + testing options

Lactation support + counseling

Mental + emotional guidance + support

Return to fertility awareness + guidance

Exercise + body healing awareness + counseling

PAP and Well-Person care options

Paperwork for filing birth certificate + SSN

Emergency Care

Your midwife and assistants are trained in CPR and Neonatal Resuscitation and are prepared for emergency situations.

At any point during care – whether prenatally, during labor and birth, or postpartum, if circumstances arise requiring medical attention, you will be given options and support to facilitate medical consultation or transfer of care, depending on which is needed.

In the event that care must be transferred, your midwife will facilitate and guide transfer of care - whether urgent or non-emergent.  For non-emergent transfers, your midwife is available virtually for counsel and support.

For urgent transfers, your midwife accompanies you, providing care during the transition, and a comforting presence until the situation has been stabilized.

Postpartum follow up care is always completed with your midwife.

Our location is easily accessed off the 110 highway with enclosed, garage Valet parking.

Consultation visits are an hour long and include a Birth Center tour for those wishing to birth at the center, as well as a one-on-one meeting with Faith and our dedicated team. Virtual consultations are also available.

Looking forward to meeting with you and building your perfect care plan together!

How To Meet Us

Birth Stories

Take a moment to check out some of the beautiful birth photos and videos captured by Faith’s clients, or read their inspiring home birth stories.

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Start your birth story.

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